One Knitty Chick

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I made out like a bandit this year. I really did. I haven't been very lucky this year and I wasn't sure that an end was in sight. My birthday rolled around without much ado, then the presents started piling up. My Mum gave me a ridiculous horde of goodies, including visual effects books, knitting books and my very own Canon digital Rebel XT camera. This is good, this is very, verrry good. Now I can shoot pretty pictures for this blog and to make a bit of extra cash. I already have about 7 lenses that will fit the bugger, so life will be beautiful.

For those of you going "This isn't about yarn or fiber, what do we care?", I can only retort that my aforementioned glorious mother-in-law (who is also a brand new knitting fiend) also got me one of these Namaste Everyday knitting totes. I hear the jealous whispers already. *grin*

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I have a problem.

While searching for apartments, the hubby and I parked near my favorite local LYS. As I was expcting a special order, we decided to go in for a moment to check on the item in question... and a basic sock pattern (to solve the problem of yesterday's blog). Oh, I found a basic sock pattern. Well, the co-owner of the store told me about this fabulous sock pattern and got me hooked on a Noro book containing these:

Since it was a Noro book and I didn't have any sock yarn to go with the 4.5mm guage of the pattern, I decided it would only be justified to purchase some of this:

Noro Kureyon 138, Lot B. What kind of world would it be if I got a sock pattern of beauty without equally beautiful yarn? Plus, this way I am sure to maintain the pattern's guage. Right? Randy at Stitch Cafe saw the broke, regretfully cheap look in my eyes and made a copy of the pattern for me. The pattern book was a whopping $16 so the yarn is TOTALLY justified.

I think she also realizes that I will be back for the book when I land a job...

Friday, July 07, 2006

I know, I know.. I promised an updated weeks ago. I can't use the excuse that some fabulous work assignment or last-minute vacation came up. However, I can tell you that I spent HOURS both trying to post photos on this site of the lovely projects I'd finished and the ones I had started and also not exaggerateing about it. Needless to say, I was unsuccessful in formatting the photos a way that pleased my discerning eyes, but there are eight lovely photos waiting to greet you when my mind decides to give it a real go. For now, I may appease you all with this:

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Isn't that just beauuuuutiful?!? If that box of birthday goodies (oh yeah, I have even aged since my last promise of a post) doesn't make you shed a small tear of joy... then you shouldn't be reading this blog. You see that? It's five, I must repeat, FIVE, different projects worth of Knit Picks sock yarns. Three different types. Three sets of Simple Stripes, one of Essential, and one lovely Peruvian wool Palettes. What's that in the back? The first Yarn Harlot book and a fair-isle sock pattern.

I should note here that I have never actually made a sock. Scarves, hats, colorwork wristlets, baby booties, small cardigans, lace knitting... all this I can do, yet the thought of knitting socks scared me. Until I found out that my mother-in-law wanted to get me yarn for my birthday. Then it was on... I was all about the sock knitting and pored for hours in front of my laptop being sure I got the most for my monies. The booty arrived last night and now I am scared again. I can't find a basic starting sock pattern any place on the net. I am scared to admit to my LYS that this is my first sock attempt, so that is right out. My lovely sister purchased the rest of Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's books for my birthday, so I can either wait it out for the Harlot's Basic Sock pattern or I can try my hand at these:

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Those beauties are Crusoe socks from the Spring 2003 issue of Knitty. Aren't they grand? Maybe I should finish my husband's hat and wait "patiently". (Believe me when I say that the quotation marks are necessary.) I could promise you a post with those eight photos just waiting to be shown off, but that could just jinx the process.