I made out like a bandit this year. I really did. I haven't been very lucky this year and I wasn't sure that an end was in sight. My birthday rolled around without much ado, then the presents started piling up. My Mum gave me a ridiculous horde of goodies, including visual effects books, knitting books and my very own Canon digital Rebel XT camera. This is good, this is very, verrry good. Now I can shoot pretty pictures for this blog and to make a bit of extra cash. I already have about 7 lenses that will fit the bugger, so life will be beautiful.
For those of you going "This isn't about yarn or fiber, what do we care?", I can only retort that my aforementioned glorious mother-in-law (who is also a brand new knitting fiend) also got me one of these Namaste Everyday knitting totes. I hear the jealous whispers already. *grin*
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